Although a puppy can bite while playing, it can occasionally have negative consequences. So, how to stop a puppy from biting?

There are roughly 28 teeny-tiny razors in a puppy's mouth, and they seem to be drawn to your fingers or toes. "Play biting" is the term used by dog trainers. But when your adorable dog looks to be all teeth, it is annoying and frequently uncomfortable. But this is perfectly natural for teething puppies and essential for growth. But with a few easy actions, you can teach it to go away.

This site will provide you with a thorough understanding of dog biting. We addressed everything, from your dog biting someone to you getting bitten by a dog. This post's advice is meant to serve as general guidance. Please schedule an appointment with your veterinarian for a precise diagnosis of your pet's illness. Happy Reading! 🐶

How to Stop a Puppy From Biting - Reasons Behind The Act

How to stop a puppy from biting? You should first determine why they are doing it before jumping on that. There may be a variety of causes. Here, we've covered some of the most significant causes. I hope it clarifies things for you.

Puppies frequently observe their mother and littermates. They understand the difference between playful nibbling and painful bites from them. When a puppy bites too firmly, the mother may growl or another puppy may yell loudly. They need to be with them before being adopted. If not, your dog might not recognize the difference between a soft nip and a stronger bite. These can also happen if they weren't taught to bite at a young age.

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

When playing with you, some dogs might mouth your hand or nip at your heels. They can do this if they're too excited or being pursued. Breeds that are good at herding and those with a high prey drive may also nip or bite out of instinct.

Out of aggressiveness or fear, they bite. Body language can assist in distinguishing between a play bite and an aggressive bite. Your dog may wrinkle its muzzle, appear stiff or anxious, show its fangs, or curl back its lips if they bite out of aggression. Play bites are typically less painful than aggressive bites.

Stop Puppy Biting - Go For Simple But Meaningful Training

How to stop a puppy from biting and nipping? Obviously, with proper training! Here are some tips and tricks that can help you understand the journey.

No Hard Biting

You may want to stop your dog from biting and mouthing right away. However, doing so will not let your puppy understand a necessary lesson. Then your dog won't comprehend how much pressure is too much before it becomes uncomfortable. Giving your dog this lesson offers it a built-in inhibition against hurting you if it gets anxious or terrified.

Take cues from your puppy's natural play. It will encourage them not to bite as hard. Allowing your puppy to gently mouth and nibble is a natural behaviour. But if you feel a forceful bite, yell out and keep your hand steady.

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

Your dog will quickly learn to adapt after seeing that it has gone too far as a result of this. This approach should be used by everyone the puppy plays with so that ultimately your puppy will gently mouth your hands rather than a nip or bite them. Puppy training requires consistency, which will help to reinforce these teachings.

Teeth Don't Belong to Human Skin

Your dog has learned how painful it is to bite human skin, so it's time to teach it the next lesson: never put its teeth on the skin. Continue using the previous method, but this time you should yell and collapse at the smallest nip. Your puppy will learn from this that having teeth on the skin at any level is unacceptable.

Hold a reward in your closed hand and only open it when your puppy is not mouthing, gnawing, or pawing at your fingers. This will serve as proof that skin and mouths are incompatible. Puppies are like children. They will learn and adapt, even if it takes some time and patience.

Redirect Their Attention Via Toys

Since dogs naturally chew, mouth, and bite, we don't want to fully prevent this behaviour. Puppies need to learn early on that while biting on the skin is not appropriate, chewing on toys is. Give it plenty of chew toys. Then it will understand that chewing toys is permissible.

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

Walk Away

Young children and puppies have many characteristics. Both can struggle to concentrate during lectures, especially when they are excited. Giving your puppy some time to unwind in their playpen with a nice chew toy can be the best course of action on occasion.

Consider this an opportunity for your puppy to settle down rather than a punishment. When the dog feels a little more at ease, training can resume.

Discourage Herding Instincts

Dogs with strong herding tendencies, like Australian Cattle Dogs, Collies, or Shetland Sheepdogs, may bite at ankles to keep the "herd" moving. Try to remain still if your dog tries this. Then it will understand that biting ankles will have the reverse impact of what it intended. You should avoid flip-flops as the dog will focus on your heels if you do.

Last but not the least, stay focused and calm. It takes a lot of patience and persistence to train a puppy. Sometimes your puppy might not understand what you're attempting to teach. But it's vital to maintain your composure and concentration. Scolding or shouting at your puppy could scare them or cause them unneeded stress. They might remember as adults and this could result in destructive behaviour.

Hire a professional trainer if you believe your puppy can't understand the lessons.

How to Stop a Puppy From Biting - Teach What to Chew

You have to redirect their attention if you want to stop a puppy from biting. One of the most common ways to do that is using toys.

Your dog should get a lot of mental and physical exercise. Your dog will find something to occupy itself if it is bored. However, an exhausted dog is a nice dog. So make sure they engage in plenty of mental and physical activities. You should decide the amount of exercise based on their age, health, and breed features. Sniffing will be more enriching for your dog. Remember regular walks and other outside activities are essential for their well-being. A good option for high-energy canines who love the company of other dogs is well-run doggie daycare.

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

Don't make something available to your dog if you don't want them to chew it. Ensure that your dog cannot get things like shoes, books, trash, eyeglasses, or remote controls. The easiest method to avoid errors is to store rubbish in a cabinet or block off places with alluring objects.

Give your dog toys that are different from everyday objects. Don't give them socks and shoes as toys. It will make them more confused. Then they will not be able to tell the difference between your shoe and theirs.

Try a freezing rubber toy for your puppy if they are teething. The cold rubber will help to relax their gums. Always keep an eye on your puppy so it can't swallow any harmful material.

If your dog grabs something and runs, don't chase after them. Chasing after them will only satisfy your dog's desires. It's exciting to be pursued by their humans! Call them over instead, and reward them.

Include toys in your daily activities. Instead of always using bowls, give them snuffle mats or Kong-style toys filled with their kibble. For more experienced chewers, fill the puzzle toy's openings with peanut butter or canned cheese and freeze it overnight. Additionally, make sure to rotate the toys.

Stop Dog Biting - Recognise a Dog That May Bite You

Although it may seem as though a dog bites another dog out of the blue, most of the time the warning signals are given first. Learn to recognize and keep an eye out for the symptoms of fear or anxiety in other dogs. So that you can keep your dog from getting bitten by other dogs.

Try to keep an eye out for any indications of fear or nervousness in other dogs whenever you are out with your dog. Most people are aware of clear cues like 

  • Growling
  • Snapping
  • Lunging
  • Snarling or 
  • Bared teeth

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

Usually, a worried dog will show softer signs first. Such as 

  • Yawning
  • Crouching
  • Licking lips
  • Turning their faces away
  • Trying to flee etc

If a dog nearby is displaying any of these symptoms, walk your pet away from the agitated dog calmly but swiftly. Placing a physical barrier, like a car or a fence, between your dog and the aggressive dog can be beneficial and reassuring.

Your Dog Bite A Person. What Now?

You should take the following steps right away if your dog bit someone:

First thing first, remove the dog from the area. Use a crate or put them in another room. Just stay calm. Do not scream or panic.

Take care of the bite victim. Thoroughly wash the wound with warm soapy water. Talk to the doctor on their behalf. If necessary, call for an ambulance. Even if the bite does not seem dangerous, it is still advisable to contact a doctor. Because bites can become serious very rapidly. Take their information, so you can contact them later.

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

Give the victim and the witnesses your contact information. Get the contact details of any on-site witnesses and, if applicable, offer information about your insurance.

Notify law enforcement and your veterinarian. Notify local authorities of the incident, and get in touch with your veterinarian for any records of treatment that may be required.

How to Stop a Puppy From Biting Another Dog

If your dog has turned aggressive, it's natural to feel helpless or humiliated. But there are a few things you can do to stop puppy biting.

  • Be composed. Your dog may feel more anxious if you become agitated.
  • Try to refrain from yelling at or looking your dog in the eye. They might become more hostile as a result. If you can, call them away. Distract them by using their favourite toy. To help you distract your dog for long enough for the other dog to flee, you can cover them with a leash or a big coat. then take control of them. The owner of the other dog should be making an effort to remove their dog from the scenario as well.

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

  • Get them back on the lead. When you do this, use caution. Because they can be under a lot of stress and you don't want to get bitten. Perhaps a slip lead is safer. With a regular lead, you can create one by looping the lead's end through the handle. Try to place a slip lead under the dog's tummy, directly in front of its rear legs. It'll help if you can't attach a lead to their collar or over their head. Try to take them somewhere they can calm down and not see the other dog while being calm.

You must take preventative measures if your dog is aggressive toward other dogs in the future. If this was an isolated incident, your dog might have been terrified by something. Such is the size or manner in which the other dog approached yours. Check with your vet to make sure there is no medical cause for the sudden hostility. Working with a certified behaviourist could be beneficial when this has been ruled out. They can assist in ensuring that your dog is capable of handling any events that may arise without feeling the urge to lash out violently.

What to do if Your Dog is Bitten by Another Dog

Unexpected events can happen even if pet parents are vigilant for early warning indications. What if your dog is being attacked? How to stop a puppy from biting? You can follow these recommendations if your dog is bit by another dog:

  • Do not panic! Though it may be difficult, try not to lose your cool because doing so could make your dog feel even more anxious.
  • When dogs are fighting, avoid stepping between them. This can result in you getting bitten. Put your attention on your dog and get them separated. The second dog's owner should do the same. To get the dogs' attention, give a loud clap, then call your dog to you.
  • Do not shout or make eye contact with the other dog. Because doing so can make it feel more threatened.
  • Ask the other dog owner for details when the situation has been defused. Such as their contact information, the status of their pet's vaccinations, and whether they have pet insurance. Take photos if the other dog owner is unavailable or uncooperative.
  • Make immediate contact with your veterinarian to inform them of what happened and that you require an urgent appointment. Or go to the nearest veterinary emergency hospital.

how to stop a puppy from biting

Some symptoms necessitate immediate emergency care.

🐶 Uncontrollable bleeding

🐶 Weakness

🐶 Sobbing or whimpering

🐶 Limping

🐶 Pale or blue gums

🐶 Collapse

🐶 Difficulty breathing

But is it necessary to take a bitten puppy to the doctor? YES! What would happen to your dog's body if another dog bit him? In addition to making a tiny puncture in your dog's skin, the attacker's tooth also makes a pocket under the skin. The pocket creates the perfect environment for mouth bacteria from the aggressor to grow and cause an infection. Due to the increased danger of infection, even the slightest puncture hole can be a serious source of concern.

With bite wounds, the danger of infection is very significant. Because the skin's real tear is comparatively small. Thus, the skin recovers quickly. The germs will be trapped beneath the skin's surface, where they can swiftly spread and develop into an abscess.

Any dog bite usually raises the most concern about infection. Depending on the location and severity of the bite wound, other major health problems could arise. Such as -

  • Cellulitis (tissue infection)
  • Infection of the bone
  • Infection of the joint
  • Accumulation of pus in the chest or abdominal cavity

How to Stop a Puppy From Biting - What if You're The Victim?

It's always a blast to engage with dogs. Yet, anything can happen between growls and tail-wagging. They could unintentionally bite or scratch you. You might be going along the street when an unidentified dog suddenly attacks.

In any case, you must act fast to treat the wound and lower the chance of infection. You'll need emergency medical care that day.

Seven Steps to Treat The Wound

  • Clean the wound. Run warm tap water over it for five to ten minutes while using a mild soap.
  • Using a fresh cloth reduces the bleeding.
  • If you have an over-the-counter antibiotic cream, use it.
  • Use a sterile bandage to cover the wound.
  • Visit your doctor and continue to bandage the wound.
  • Change the bandage many times throughout the day.
  • Keep an eye out for symptoms of infection. Such as swelling, fever, increasing discomfort, and redness.

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

Be ready to respond to the following inquiries when you see the doctor:

  • Do you know who the dog's owner is?
  • If yes, has the dog received all its shots, including the rabies shot?
  • Was the dog provoked or was it an unprovoked bite that happened?
  • What medical issues do you have? People with diabetes, liver disease and other medical conditions can have severe infections.

After any bite, you should confirm that you are current on your tetanus shots. Try to remember when you had your last shot. Although a tetanus vaccination is adequate for 10 years. If the wound is filthy and it has been more than five years since your last shot, your doctor may advise a booster.

Additionally, your doctor can advise stitches depending on the wound. Dog wounds are typically left unstitched to heal unless they are on the face or if they could leave extremely bad scars.

Stop Puppy Biting - Help Your Dog to Heal Faster

Your top concern should be avoiding an infection from spreading to your dog's bite wound. Therefore, you must stop your pet from licking the wound. Even though many dog owners feel guilty about using Elizabethan collars or a "cone of shame," these collars are quite useful. Softer and less obtrusive choices work well if your dog is uncomfortable wearing a cone.

Follow the directions when using any prescription drugs! Antibiotics should be administered as prescribed for the entire recommended duration. Don't stop giving your dog antibiotics because the wound appears to be healing. It can increase the risk of the infection returning and becoming more difficult to cure.

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

If the area is left open to cure, you must regularly clean it. Check for any leaking substance. Use warm water, a gentle washcloth, or cotton balls to remove any debris. Sometimes, your veterinarian might suggest a light disinfectant cleanser to clean the area. Use the things the vet advises. Never clean a bite wound with hydrogen peroxide unless your veterinarian recommends you to. It can further worsen the situation by delaying the healing process.

Cleaning the wound requires extreme caution. Because if it is painful, the animal may bite out of fear. It is always advisable to muzzle your dog, even if it is gentle.

Six Things to Avoid When You’re Trying to Stop Puppy Biting

There are many actions you may do to reduce puppy biting, as well as some you should avoid, such as:

  • When your puppy bites, don't yell at them, touch them on the nose, or keep your mouth shut. Your puppy will become confused and learn not to trust you when you wish to play as a result of this.
  • Avoid provoking your dog to bite for training or any other reason.
  • While you are focusing on bite training your puppy, keep your children's faces away from the puppy's face.
  • Don't quit on your puppy and assume that it will ultimately figure things out on its own. Your puppy has to learn their boundaries each time you play with them to receive consistent results and gain your understanding.
  • Don't stop your puppy from generally playing with you. A dog's attachment to his human family is developed during play. Instead of not playing at all, you want to train your puppy to play softly.

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

  • When your puppy mouths you, try not to yank your hands or feet away from him. He will be inspired to advance and seize you as a result of this. Letting your hands or feet become limp and less enjoyable to play with is a much more effective strategy.

Puppy training is a crucial aspect of living with a dog. So persevere even when it gets frustrating or seems to be failing. You will develop a relationship and mutual trust with your puppy as you raise it to become a well-behaved adult dog. Ask your veterinarian or a pet behaviourist for help if you have any problems while training.

There can be instances when you're alarmed about what your dog is chewing, like a pill container. To ensure they give up even the most enjoyable things, train them to swap you for rewards. Behaviour problems may arise if you scold your dog or remove objects from his mouth. And when dogs feel threatened or uncomfortable, they adopt a submissive stance known as the "guilty look." Your dog may feel intimidated by your tone of voice, body language, and/or facial expressions when you're agitated and angry. Why lose your dog's trust when positive reinforcement techniques work better?

Final Words

Puppies use their lips to investigate their environment in the same way that babies and young children do. Additionally, they go through a six-month period of teething like babies, which is typically uncomfortable. Teething is facilitated by chewing, and it also relieves sore gums. You must therefore keep your composure to change this behaviour. If you train your dog properly, it will learn. We discussed the training procedure in this blog. I sincerely hope it was easy enough for you to comprehend. Additionally, you can find instructions about what to do if your dog bit someone or if another dog bit you or your dog. I hope you found it useful. Till we meet again, Tata!

September 18, 2022 — Inamul haque