How to Potty Train a Puppy - Step by Step Guide for Success
The thought of "how to potty train a puppy" fills many prospective dog owners with fear. When you first start, the task appears so impossible. The impossible, however, becomes achievable if you break it down into smaller, more manageable steps, just like with many aspects of puppy training and life.
But how to potty train a puppy? Prepare your puppy for success, teach them exactly where to pee and poop, and help them establish good boundaries in your home by having a plan, being patient, and paying attention.
Puppy Potty Training - Things to Consider
If you are thinking of " How to Potty Train a Puppy" it will take time to train your new pet. It will be simpler for you if you are organised in advance. Before bringing a dog home, there are a few things to discuss. The best way to puppy potty training will depend on these criteria.
Investigating the breed of your puppy may be helpful. Unexpectedly, it can make a difference because some breeds are more complicated to housebreak than others. The training process might be made simpler by knowing what to anticipate.
The age of your dog will determine the timing of puppy potty training. In addition, puppies require additional potty breaks because they don't yet have fully developed bludgers. You must therefore put in more significant effort.
Dog's Background
The training will be greatly motivated by your dog's past. Possibly, your dog is potty trained if you purchased it from a breeder. All you have to do is provide them with comfort. You might need to train your dog if you adopt them from a shelter. However, exercise caution because you are unsure of what they endured.
Living Space
Consider your home and surroundings even before getting a dog. Why? It will identify the best way to housebreak a puppy. Puppy pads are a terrific option if you don't have a space outside to go for a stroll. So make a plan.
Take a look at your work schedule. If you don't have the time, ask a friend or a dog sitter to help. Spend some time looking for a sitter. Read the evaluations. Finding a trustworthy one is crucial because you'll leave your child with them.
How to Potty Train a Puppy - The Perfect Time to Start
Start your puppy's grooming routine with a sizable, machine-washable dog pee pad. You can start right away. Because puppies can't hold their urine for extended periods, there will be a lot of accidents in the house. The best method for potty training your dog is to let him waste himself outside. However, potty pads can also help. For instance, it is crucial to walk young dogs regularly. Those living in apartments or senior homes may find this too complicated. Until your dog is fully immunised, you should restrict his exposure if you don't have a garden and he uses a public lavatory. At 16 weeks old, you can begin potty training them outside. Learn how to train a 6 month old puppy for potty.
A Fixed Place For The Puppy Pee Pad
Establish a regular location for your puppy's potty pad in your house to start toilet training it. Using the precise location can help your puppy connect to where you want them to go and create muscle memory of going there, allowing them to acquire this good habit more rapidly away from meals and liquids as much as possible. Until your puppy can target the pad more precisely, we advise covering a more significant area with 3–4 toilet pads at first.
Although you can place potty pads in your puppy's playpen to catch any spills, this won't potty train your dog. Instead, to help them learn how to "hold it" and where to use the restroom when the time comes, we recommend keeping to a toilet training timetable.
Things You’ll Need For Puppy Potty Training
A few more supplies usually are needed when utilising pee pads to potty train a dog.
Puppy Pads
Obviously, you'll need some puppy pads. If you have a bigger breed then consider oversized puppy pads. If you want disposable ones, buy at least two packets. Having a sufficient number of puppy poop pads will ensure you don't run out just as you move forward. As changing brands can confuse your puppy, use the same brand of pee pads throughout the training process. But we'll always recommend buying reusable puppy pads. Three pads will be sufficient, so the environment and your money will not go wasted. If you are perturb about weather these puppy pads are toxic for you or your puppy then you can read this article named " Are Puppy Pads Toxic to Human or Puppies?"
Given how crucial consistency is, you should find a way to set a timer to remind you when to let your puppy out. Despite the unpredictability of a puppy's bladder, taking your dog to the pad frequently can help you avoid accidents and teach your puppy what the pad is for.
Dog Treat
Treats are crucial because rewarding your dog for using the litter box instead of the floor can help reinforce positive behaviour. You might also wish to use a leash to lead your puppy to the pads.
How to Potty Train a Puppy - Choose The Pee Pad Carefully
You may minimise spills, odours, and damaged floors by using puppy training pads, which is wonderful news. But how do you choose your dog's puppy pad?
The fabric of a dog pad is crucial, just like it is for a baby product. To avoid irritating the skin, the material must be soft. Also, choose a reusable pad instead of a disposable one because the latter contains chemicals.
Puppy pads are available in a range of sizes. Small and medium-sized puppies can use any size pad. Look for jumbo puppy pads with a greater surface area containing more liquid if you have a large breed dog.
The more, the merrier. For example, a thicker puppy pad can contain more liquid. Some contain particular substances that turn liquid into a solid gel and trap it between the layers. Additionally, anti-odour substances like activated charcoal may be present in puppy pads.
Washable or Disposable
Most puppy pads are disposable; they are made to be used for a single day or a short period before being thrown away. Puppy pads that may be washed in the washing machine after use are meant to be reused. Washable dog pads are a great option if your environmental impact is a concern. Over time, they are also less expensive than disposable dog pads.
Create a Schedule for Potty Training
Whether you refer to it as housebreaking, house-training, or puppy potty training, all new dog owners want to teach their new puppy not to mess in their new home. Setting and adhering to a timeline is the most effective strategy to accomplish this goal. Before jumping to the points you might consider to read " How long can puppies hold their pee or potty"
First Thing in The Morning
You and your puppy have the same morning routine every day. Wake up when the alarm goes off and take your puppy out of the crate so they can go potty. Don't take a break to check your emails, prepare coffee, or brush your teeth.
After The Meal
Breakfast will be yet another morning custom. Again, try to plan this at the same time every day. This will help control evaporation, allowing you to programme your watch for potty time.
Only wait for 5 to 30 minutes after the meal before taking your puppy to the bathroom. The sooner the puppy is taken outside after a meal to go potty, the younger the puppy.
After Playtime And Naps
A young puppy must use the restroom numerous times during the day, just after each meal and first thing in the morning. These moments include the hours following naps and playtime.
The morning routine is condensed into naps. So make sure to take your puppy outside as soon as they wake up whenever they are napping.
Last Thing in The Night
Remember that taking your puppy for one final pee break before sleep is the last thing you should do before retiring for the evening. When your dog is sleeping or inactive, they can typically hold their bladder for longer.
Potty training will be successful for you and your dog if you schedule meals, walks, playtime, and other activities into a regular schedule, but it won't happen right away, so be patient.
Puppy Potty Training - Use a Crate
Dogs do not like to relieve themselves where they sleep; thus, using crates is an important potty training strategy. Furthermore, if you introduce a crate to your puppy correctly, he will view it as a safe location rather than a punishment because he has a strong denning instinct. Observe the following when introducing a crate to your puppy:
- Decide on the correct crate size. There should be no additional space, but your dog should be able to lay down and spin around. Your puppy might utilise one end of the kennel as a toilet if it is too large, which would postpone potty training.
- Use partitions if the crate is larger. If you purchase a crate for your dog's adult size, dividers can help the kennel "grow" with your puppy.
- Put beautiful things such as treats and toys in the crate. Feeding your puppy in the back of the cage and leaving chew toys filled with food will encourage your dog to enjoy being in the crate.
- Reward your dog when he enters the kennel. If it's a pleasant setting inside, he'll go in no problem. A box works well for a quiet timeout, but it shouldn't be utilised as a form of punishment.
- Take your dog to his toilet pad after letting him out of the crate.
Install a Verbal Cue
Use a word or phrase that you will use moving forwards to express the activity with your puppy, such as "go potty" or "do your business." Choose a sentence that you won't probably use again. Install that word or phrase so your dog associates it with the intended behaviour the moment they go. Timing is crucial. If you keep repeating the words when they aren't responding, they probably won't understand what the words mean. As a result, check to see if they have just begun to go or, with practice, when they are about to go (if you have mastered reading their cues that they are about to pee or defecate). Simply say the word.
Maintain Consistency for Dog Potty Training
Don't forget regularity and consistency when thinking about how to potty train a dog. Establishing and following a schedule will help you prevent accidents and ensure your puppy has enough opportunities to relieve himself in the right place. In addition, you can be more consistent by following these recommendations:
- Know when your dog needs to go outside. After eating, playing, and napping, most puppies need to use the restroom when they wake up in the morning. So, if one of these circumstances arises, take your dog to the bathroom.
- Take your dog to the toilet pad if they haven't used the bathroom in a couple of hours.
- Anytime you sense your dog needs to use the restroom, bring them to the toilet pad. But if he refuses to go, don't let him play and run around. Instead, confine him to his crate for 10 to 15 minutes before attempting again. Continue until he has finished all of his business.
- Regularly give your puppy food. If you can control your puppy's eats, you can predict when he will need to relieve himself more accurately. Don't accept free food.
- The toilet pad should be placed in an appropriate area. While your puppy is still learning, don't move it. If you confuse him, your dog will face more significant challenges and take longer to train.
Achieve Your Goal of Puppy Potty Training With Treats
Doing their business in the right place is one of the rewarding behaviours that dogs repeat. Your puppy will be more likely to use his potty pad again if you compliment and thank him for using it. The following should be considered when praising your dog:
As soon as your puppy is finished, give him a treat. Don't wait to take the candy out of the pantry. Always have them prepared to go.
Keep some snacks near the bathroom so you're always prepared.
Use a leash if your puppy gets distracted easily. For example, leash him to the bathroom and only release him when you're done. An added benefit will be the freedom to play.
Supervise Them for Puppy Potty Training
In addition to being essential for safety, constant supervision of your puppy is also necessary for practical puppy potty training. Accidents won't be avoided if you're not paying attention to the dog. The following advice will help with supervision:
- Regularly take your pet to the indoor or outdoor potty. It depends on his age and bladder power how often. Very young puppies may occur as often as every 15 minutes. An accident is preferable to a wasted vacation.
- Use a timer if you have trouble remembering when to take your dog to his pad.
- Watch for signs of your puppy needing to relieve himself, including sniffing the ground, circling, or whining. As soon as you see these signals, take him to the restroom.
- Use a long leash if you have trouble keeping your puppy in sight. Put the leash around your waist or a piece of sturdy furniture to restrict your puppy's movement.
- Put your puppy in a safe area or a crate if you can't watch him at all times.
What Will Happen When You’re Not Home?
Remember to prepare ahead of time if your puppy needs to spend the day in a crate when you must leave the house for an extended period. Include enough food and water in the kennel along with a puppy pee pad.
Use the month-plus-one rule if you're unclear about how long your dog can endure anything. For example, the number of hours your puppy should be able to go between toilet breaks comfortably equals your dog's age in months plus one. For example, a puppy three months old plus one should be able to remain in the crate for four hours without making a mess.
Mistakes to Avoid While Potty Training Your Puppy
Learning what to avoid while puppy potty training is the first step in the process. To help you understand what you should and shouldn't do when potty-training your dog, we looked at people's six most common blunders.
- Your dog won't trust you if you aren't close enough to them. Dogs and people need to spend enough time together for relationships to deepen and last. Playing with him, cuddling with him on the couch, and taking him for walks are the most acceptable ways to demonstrate to your dog that he can rely on you.
- The potty pad should not be pulled or chewed, eaten on, or used as a plaything by your puppy. Your puppy can be confused as to the potty pad's purpose as a result.
- You shouldn't move the potty pad until your puppy is accustomed to using it and understands its purpose.
- Some pet owners think it's cruel to confine their dog to a crate or kennel, so they let their pup roam around the home unrestrained. Unfortunately, giving your dog free rein inside the house frequently leads to unintended accidents.
- Even though cleaning up accidents can be challenging, yelling at your dog for peeing in the wrong place is a grave error. Another awful idea is to spank your pet. Instead, tell your dog "no" and take him outside to use the potty if you catch him in the act.
- Training a puppy to use the toilet can be a chore, especially if the puppy is small. You want your dog to learn how to use the restroom outside as soon as possible, but that doesn't mean you should disregard his development when completing the task at hand. Since food is the primary motivator for most dogs, rewarding him with a favourite treat after he relieves himself on the puppy pee pad is a great way to get him to do it again.
- When you clean up messes numerous times a day, losing your patience is normal. Remember that your dog's thinking isn't as sophisticated as yours is, so he can find it challenging to understand what you want him to do.
How to Correct The Behaviour
If you wish to train your puppy to go potty outside, but it isn't using the puppy training pad on schedule, consider placing it closer to where it typically plays or eats.
Consider using one of the following techniques if you have problems keeping an eye on your puppy and it trips when you're not looking:
- To help you discover it, affix a bell to its collar.
- The leash will leave a trail for you to follow if you let the puppy pull it after it.
- Because dogs don't like to urinate where they sleep, you might want to put your puppy to sleep in a crate or exercise pen so that it won't whine if it needs to go potty.
Consult your veterinarian about any potential difficulties if your puppy seems to be constantly urinating.

How to Potty Train Older Dogs with Puppy Pee Pads
Has your senior dog ever had health problems that made it challenging to go outside to relieve itself? Perhaps he can't hold it all night, or the stairs are too complicated for his weakened joints. Likewise, various medical conditions could affect your senior dog's potty habits. In some cases, indoor potty training using a pee pad may answer in-house accidents and gruelling trips outside.
The key is to select an item that your dog will use. Canines develop preferences for particular surfaces. For instance, if your dog has always relieved himself on grass or concrete, those surfaces may be the only ones he feels comfortable using. The move from diapers to pads may take some time and consideration.
There are two methods for solving this issue.
The first step is to place a puppy training mat where your dog usually relieves himself. His ability to link the new surface to the previous behaviour will help everything inside run more smoothly.
The second technique is bringing the outdoor surface indoors. To help your dog understand what to expect, you could, for instance, place a miniature patio tile or piece of sod in his designated indoor bathroom.
Don't undervalue the significance of scent. Dogs prefer to urinate in locations that already smell like dog toilets. Placing some of his urine there, you can aid your dog in understanding the significance of a new site.
Don't undervalue the significance of scent. Dogs prefer to urinate in locations that already smell like dog toilets. Placing some of his urine there, you can aid your dog in understanding the significance of a new location. Bring a paper towel with you when you go on a walk with your dog, and let him wipe up some of his poop. Put the used paper towel in the newly installed indoor toilet. The fragrance will help people behave as they should in the new environment.
Teach your older dog a potty cue, such as "Hurry Up" or "Go Potty," to help him transition to using an indoor toilet. This means going with him when he needs to use the restroom outside, either in the yard or on your daily trips. Say the potty phrase you've chosen just before your dog needs to relieve himself, and when he's finished, give him an excellent reward like a little food treat or praise and a cuddle. He'll learn from this that he can get a reward for just using the restroom when you use that word. Once you've trained your dog enough, you should be able to tell him to empty himself wherever and whenever it's convenient for you, including in the new indoor toilet location.
Handle Accidents Calmly
Humans tend to focus on what's wrong and ignore what's right. However, we need to take the exact opposite approach with our puppies. Never fail to acknowledge and praise positive behaviour while ignoring mistakes. With mishaps during toilet training, this is especially true. Dog accidents in the bathroom are unavoidable, so please try not to freak out or reprimand your puppy. Here are some pointers for dealing with bathroom mishaps:
- If you see your puppy about to have an accident, stop him. Don't frighten or astonish him. Oh-ohs or a modest hand clap to signal the action ought to be sufficient to halt him in his tracks. If you discipline him while he is already going, he will merely learn to avoid you and eventually slip behind the couch to relieve himself.
- As soon as you capture your puppy, immediately take him to his litter box. If you interrupted him and he paused, he might finish on the pad, which you can give him a prize. At least you've shown him where he ought to have gone if he doesn't finish on the pad.
- If you don't witness the accident happen, do nothing. Your puppy won't learn anything about potty training if you show him after the fact. If you want to scold someone, berate yourself for not keeping a careful eye on things.
- Use an enzymatic cleaner to eliminate all blunders. Since dogs are drawn to the smell of prior faeces, thorough cleaning is crucial.
Ways to Use Pee Pad Outside
You may have only wanted your puppy trained to use the potty. However, if you want to train your dog to relieve himself in the yard routinely, you might want to consider the following options:
- Bring your dog's pad towards the door a little at a time. Move your dog's pee pad a few feet closer to the rear door every day. It will eventually be placed directly outside the door, next to the door.
- Placing the pad outside, close to the door, after your dog has adapted well to their new environment. During this phase, you must watch your dog's approach to the door so you can open it and let them use the outside potty pad.
- Don't have as many toilet paper pads about the house. If your dog uses several potty pads around the house, you should wean them off of them, so they only use the one pad that is closest to the outside door.
- Take Your Dog Outside Often to Use the Bathroom. Make the first move! Allow your dog to frequently go potty outside so you may compliment them on using their new spot.
- The Benefit of Using the Outdoor Bathroom! Give your dog a luxurious reward every time they relieve themselves outside! They learned that using the restroom outside is far more satisfying than using the bathroom inside after finishing with a reward and praise.
- Watch for indications that your dog has to use the restroom.
- During pee pad transition training, it's essential to constantly check your dog, especially after setting the pad outside.

Puppy Pads And Paper Training
The purpose of puppy potty training is to teach a puppy how to hold it indoors and only go potty in designated areas outside. Because of this, paper training or puppy pads are generally disapproved of. You're teaching the puppy two alternative options, which might be challenging. However, some situations can call for a bit of ingenuity, such as for a person whose employment prevents them from returning home frequently or for a tiny puppy living in a harsh winter climate. A dog has the choice to relieve herself in an authorised location at home, thanks to puppy pads. There are also cutting-edge indoor dog restrooms that accommodate male and female canines. When the dog is older, the owner can work on training her to relieve herself outside all the time.
But which method—puppy pads or paper training—is superior?
Paper and disposable puppy pee pads are nearly identical. However, since you must discard them later, Papers are difficult to maintain. In addition, it might make a huge mess. In contrast, using a premium disposable pad will be simple to clean. But any discarded item is not environmentally friendly.
One of the better options is using reusable puppy pads. Because it is washable, you can reuse it numerous times. In addition, dry paws puppy pads can be washed in the washing machine.
Change The Diet
Puppies can't handle a lot of food because their digestive systems are still developing. You should divide the puppy feeding schedule into three smaller meals because of this. The food should be of the best quality, which is another consideration. Make sure your puppy is comfortable with whatever you decide.
The best technique for a dog owner to determine whether it's time for a diet adjustment is to examine the dog's stool. It might be time to talk to your veterinarian about moving to a new food if your puppy routinely passes smelly, loose, and bulky faeces.
What if Your Dog Regreses The Puppy Potty Training
Reviewing your house training chart should be your first step if your puppy regresses in toilet training. For example, do you now provide your puppy with fewer potty breaks? Also, the feeding schedule has altered, right? Has anything else that might impact the puppy's housebreaking changed, if so?
Be sure to keep an eye out for the times and locations of the accidents. For a period, restrict your puppy's access to a room if you find accidents always occur there. Make sure to schedule a bathroom break during that time if the mishaps always happen simultaneously.
If your puppy keeps urinating when you get home from work, it can be because they are excited. In that instance, they are most likely unaware that they are urinating. When pups become overexcited, some lose control of their bladder (just like some people leak a little urine when they laugh). By not stooping over or caressing your puppy as you enter, you can lessen the possibility of these unintentional peeing situations. After you come home, you might even need to ignore the dog for a few seconds. You might also consider meeting your new puppy outside or in a simple spot to clean up. The majority of dogs will outgrow this issue, which is good news.
Don't let the puppy know you are getting frustrated, even if the puppy keeps excitedly peeing! Punishing your puppy for these slip-ups will make them more worried, which will make it more difficult for them to maintain bladder control. Instead, the best course of action is to ignore the need to go toilet and keep a calm, collected demeanour.
How Long it Will Take to Train a Puppy
Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are critical components of successful puppy potty training. The objective is to develop positive behaviours and a loving relationship with your pet.
Puppy house training usually takes 4-6 months, but it can take some dogs up to a year. Size may indicate something. For instance, smaller breeds need to go outside more frequently since they have smaller bladders and higher metabolisms. The environment in which your puppy lived before is another indicator. You might discover that to instil more desired habits in your dog; you need to help him break bad ones.
And if you experience difficulties during training, don't get discouraged. They will learn as long as you maintain a training regimen that involves taking your puppy outside as soon as they show signs of needing to relieve themselves and rewarding them.
Use a Reusable Puppy Pad
Animals do not bring on damage to the environment. Instead, only plastic bags for cleaning pet waste, cat litter, and dog and cat food bags and cans are required as part of owning a pet. The list is endless. Animals, therefore, significantly influence our ecosystem.
The most we can do is be aware of their influence and try to lessen it. But unfortunately, we can't get rid of our dogs and all their toys, balls, beds, shampoo, food, litter boxes, blankets, and accessories. Fortunately, several pet supplies are eco-friendly and created from plant-based materials. You only need to know where to look for them, purchase them, and put them to use. All pets impact the world, so let's start with that: they urinate and poop.
From kitty litter to chew toys, you may find eco-friendly products if you know what to look for. Look at the labels first. Most pet toys sold under commercial brands are constructed of synthetic materials or materials derived from raw elements like ore that take years to mature. Look for sustainable plants that grow quickly, such as eucalyptus, bamboo, and cotton. Next, choose organic wool, which is more durable and biodegradable. Products made of organic and biodegradable materials are not just toys. Also permissible are collars and leashes.
Our washable, reusable training pads for puppies are beneficial for the planet and will end up saving you money over time. Each puppy goes through at least 200 puppy pads throughout their training period. Unfortunately, since puppy pads first hit the market, millions of kilogrammes of plastic have been dumped in landfills. A ZERO WASTE answer to this issue is Dry Paws' reusable, machine-washable puppy pads.
Why DryPaws
Buy high-quality items at a reasonable price from DryPaws. One of our most well-liked products is our enormous reusable puppy pads. Reliable, machine washable, and built to withstand any abuse your furry friend can dish out. Get your pet to join you for a seat wherever and anywhere you choose!
- Three distinct layers in the Washable Puppy Pads by DryPaws combine to limit leakage, trap odour, and stop dog poop tracks.
- Its smooth, comforting texture will entice your dog to it.
- Our pads are made to withstand chewing.
- Japanese bamboo's core absorbs yellow stains and gets rid of odours.
- No liquids will seep through our PVC water-resistant mattress shield and non-slip safety covering. Anti-slip silica gel is used on the bottom. While remaining in place, the leak-proof, slip-resistant backing helps keep your floors clean.
- This pad works just as well outside. Consequently, your pet can accompany you when you're at work, doing errands, or having fun!
To bring you high-quality goods at affordable rates, we created these fantastic Washable pee pads in partnership with manufacturers who share our pet happiness beliefs. As a result, we assure you that it will significantly reduce your tension. In addition, Its gentle texture is entirely safe for your child.
Additionally, DryPaws provides free shipping to Australia. If you're unsatisfied with the given item, you can return it immediately. Place your order right away after looking over our other dog-friendly products.
Final Word
These fundamental guidelines will help you potty train your new puppy to urinate solely on pee pads. Even while training can be pretty irritating, and there may be times when you want to give up, it will be completely worthwhile when your puppy is finally trained.
Remember that the secret to success in this situation is tremendous patience. If you change your schedule, such as frequently altering the interval between visits to the bathroom, switching the type of pads you use, or moving the pee pad, it can and probably will confuse your puppy and cause severe delays in potty training.